Fields of research:
Artificial Intelligence, Machine
Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computers in Education, Data
Structures and Algorithms, Adaptive Intelligent e-Learning Systems
Research Projects:
- BIMDANUBE: Network of Excellence on Biomedical Information Management in the Danube Region, (2017-2018), funded by BMBF, Germany
- IZIDA: SpecialIZed Data MIning MethoDs Based on Semantic Attributes, (2017-2019), funded by the Bulgarian National Science Fund
- DemoSem: Deep models of semantic knowledge, (2017-2019), funded by the Bulgarian National Science Fund
- AComIn: Advanced Computing for Innovation, (2015-2016), funded by the EC in the FP7 Capacity Programme, FP7 grant 316087
- PSIP+: Patient Safety through Intelligent Procedures in Medication, (2009-2011), Seventh Framework programme Strategic Objective/theme: ICT-2007-5.2, under grant agreement FP7/2007-2013 No 216130
- EVTIMA: Effective search of conceptual information with applications in medical informatics, (2009-2011) , Bulgarian National Science Fund, grant No DO02-292/December 2008
- SISTER: Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University, (2008), 7FP Project
- TENCompetence: Building the European network for Lifelong Competence Development, (2006-2008), 6FP NoE Integrated project – FP6 IST-2005
- ETN-DEC: European Thematic Network for Doctoral Education in Computing,, (2004 – 2007), SOCARATES/ERASMUS Programme of the European Commission,6FP NoE Project
- KALEIDOSCOPE: Concepts and methods for exploring the future of learning with digital technologies, (2004-2008), 6FP NoE Project
- LarFlast: Learning Foreign Language Scientific Terminology, (1998-2001), under EC Directorate General III, INCO-Copernicus Project 977074
- ILPnet2: Network of Excellence in Inductive Logic Programming, (1998–2001), Funded by the European Commission, INCO-Copernicus Project 977102
- Computer Modelling, (1995-1998), Bulgarian National Science Fund, Grant No I-525/95, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University
- Geomland: Plane Geometry System (1990-1995)