PORT <port-peer-review@bootstrap.org>
Summary? (6761)
Author presents distinctions between signs (6765)
Signs can be recursively, automatically combined (6789)
Uses? (6777)
Represent knowledge (6796)
Help people understand/interpret real world (6802)
General comments? (3596)
Needs clarifying examples (3602)
What is author's KR scheme? (3609)
Broaden argument to explicate relevance for PORT (6469)
Focus on one aspect of work that is relevant to PORT (6478)
Definition of "sign"? (3639)
Sarbo: Example of a sign (3687)
Peirce's definition in The New Elements of Mathematics (3645)
Relationship between concepts and objects? (3696)
Sarbo: "concepts emerge from the effects of an object" (3702)
Imposes a temporal order (i.e. objects precede concepts) (3711)
Follows from the model on signs (3789)
Role of interpretation in Sarbo's model of signs? (3739)
Definition of "interpretation"? (3745)
Representation of sign-object relation by relation between interpretant and object (3730)
Mediation between sign/interpretant/object based on input quality and info in memory (3776)
Examples? (3759)
Visual observation of smoke (3765)
How can signs be combined automatically to create other signs? (6880)
How are distinctions between signs a guide for combining them? (6887)
What are the expected inputs? (6893)
Ideal language allows everything to be viewed as an argument (6898)
What abstract representational functions cannot be covered using LISP-like syntaxes? (6905)
LISP too formal (7311)
LISP concepts not directly related to concepts of human cognition (7315)
Natural languages possess something important that LISP does not (7321)
Humans do not suffer from the problems of LISP (7325)
Human knowledge representation based on signs (6914)
What's the alternative? (6921)
string (7345)
tree (7349)
Clarification? (7358)
Sign is not some "thing" (7364)
Signs inherently dynamic (7372)