7-13 September
Hissar, Bulgaria
Further to the first two successful and highly competitive Student Research Workshops associated with the conference 'Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing' (RANLP) in 2009 and 2011, we are pleased to announce the third edition of the workshop which will be held during the main RANLP 2013 conference on 9-11 September 2013.
The International Conference RANLP 2013 would like to invite students at all levels (Bachelor-, Master-, and PhD-students) to present their ongoing work at the special student sessions of the conference. The aim of this workshop is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge between young researchers by providing an excellent opportunity to present and discuss their work in progress or completed projects to an international research audience and receive feedback from senior researchers. The research being presented can come from any topic area within natural language processing and computational linguistics, including borderline areas touching linguistics, psycholinguistics and translation studies.
For more information: http://lml.bas.bg/ranlp2013/ranlpStud2013